Spiritual direction, or spiritual companionship, is an ancient practice in which a person (directee) desires to examine their life and be attentive to God’s presence. It occurs in an on-going relationship with another person (director/companion) with individual meetings, usually once a month. Time together has the specific purpose of the directee listening for and attuning to God’s presence in order to respond to that Presence in all of life. St. Tim’s offers dedicated space for these holy conversations.

If you would like to learn more, please reach out to Simon Caddick or The Rev. Bonnie Spencer who offer spiritual direction here at St. Tim’s. Simon Caddick is a member of St. Tim’s congregation. He trained in spiritual direction with the Ignatian Spirituality Program of Denver (ISP-D) and is one of ISP-D’s team of spiritual directors. 

The Rev. Bonnie Sarah Spencer is a retired Episcopal priest who has a passion for helping folks discover what God is up to in their lives and how they can participate in the adventure. She works for and cares deeply about racial and LGBTQ+ justice.